For example, I can simply install the Smart DNS proxy VPN on my Nvidia Shield using a thumb drive, and accessing it is easy once I have the Sideload Launcher installed. But, there are times, when you want to sideload Android apps on your TV.

If you are looking for cool Launchers to. These 5 Launchers will totally transform your device. Why? Well, it does so to make sure your experience does not deteriorate on a bigger screen, and it makes sense, I mean who likes a stretched-out version of Instagram or Chrome. In this video I will show you 5 AMAZING Android TV launchers. You can easily sideload any Android app on your TV but the native Android launcher won’t let you view them. We’ve found some great app launchers that are not only easy to use but also lets you access the sideloaded app directly from the home screen. This is where third-party app launchers for Android TV really make a difference. However, the Native App launcher for Android TV is very restrictive, the UI is cluttered and hides sideloaded apps by default. We got Nova, Niagara, Microsoft launcher and much more. There is no shortage of great third-party launcher apps for Android.